
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Howdy All,
If you've been here in the last couple of days, you've discovered some weird stuff going on. That's because I'm in the process of readjusting my stories and accessibility to them. I was given some advice that I'm debating on following or not- the problem is, if I follow it, then I can't post my stories here anymore. So here's what I need from you: do you believe that even the shortest story I've written here is worth 99 cents? Do you think I should go to the Kindle market and simply start marketing my own stories there? I personally am torn. But, while I make this absolute decision, I will be keeping all stories off of here, however I have set a deadline for myself. So, check back by July 23, 2012 and I will have posted the ultimate decision here.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. Though there aren't many of you following at this time, I know how frustrating it is that there's been nothing new- and now that there is, you think I might be ditching you. See? That's why I'm having a hard time deciding. :/ arrrrrghhhhhhhhh

All and any input is welcome regarding this.
